No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey,
you are welcome here

Field of Hope United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming congregation whose mission is grounded in Micah 6:8:

“To do justice; love kindness and walk humbly with God.”

Field of Hope is a church that nourishes all who enter, especially those who are marginalized and underserved. We are a safe place for those who have been hurt by the church. We are a safe place for those who have been shunned and judged by other church communities. We want you to feel safe, cared for, seen and loved without judgement or agenda.

We believe…

In Jesus Christ, our savior and head of the Church.
In the Trinity: God, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In the authority and inspiration of the Bible, but we do not consider it inerrant.
In baptism of adults, youth and infants as a sacrament of belonging.
In Holy Communion as a sign and symbol of Christ’s presence.
In active involvement in issues that face our society, such as seeking peace and social justice, combating hunger, racism, discrimination, and ecological destruction.

Meet the Pastors

  • Amanda Sheldon-Park

    Amanda Sheldon-Park


  • Jack Dawson

    Jack Dawson


  • Luke Zimmerman

    Luke Zimmerman


Connect and serve

Connect and serve

Learn about our programs

  • We meet every Sunday at 10:30 am both in person and online. Our worship is a blend of traditional and contemporary styles, and our music combines modern worship songs and traditional hymns. The Bible is preached in the context of its origins and of our lives right now, cultivating wisdom for us and our world today. We do our best to use inclusive language in our worship music, as well as in our communal prayers, congregational participation, and scripture readings.

    Sunday Services are available via YouTube.

  • Once a month, youth (6th through 12th grade) from Elk Grove, Loomis, and Parkside UCCs and throughout the community come together for an all El Parkis Youth Ministry Event. We volunteer locally, embark on overnight service trips, play pickup sports games, make art, and throw top-notch BBQs. Throughout the rest of the month, youth programming happens at one church per week. Anyone can join- you don’t have to belong to a church or even be religious. All are welcome.

    And there are ALWAYS SNACKS

    Find out more about El Parkis and upcoming events through the El Parkis Youth website.

  • We offer childcare and Sunday school for children from infants to sixth grade every Sunday morning. We also hold events for children and families as often as possible throughout the year, including Easter Egg hunts, movie nights, kid's camp, Vacation Bible School and Christmas caroling.

  • Come join us for a bible study on the Book of Deuteronomy. This is a small group of people who are interested in exploring the books of the Bible and what it might say to us and to our world. The leader of this Bible study is Rick Autenrieth. He is a member of Field of Hope UCC. Rick’s role is that of facilitator, not a teacher. This group is encouraged to ask questions, explore answers, offer thoughts and feelings. Meeting new people and creating relationships while engaging in thoughtful, meaningful dialogue is the goal. You are invited to join this group at any time. There is no prerequisite, only a desire to explore and the Bible with other people.

  • Join Pastor Amanda for a morning of fellowship.

    9:00-10:00 Drop-in Bible study: Open to all, bibles are provided or you can bring your own. Come curious and open to the holy spirit.
    10:00-10:30 Hymn Sing: An old-fashioned hymn sing with a mixture of musical accompaniments. Requests welcome!
    10:30-11:00 Coffee + Snacks + Fellowship: A time to visit and just be. What’s on your mind?

A colorful mural with a white cross in the center
